Ambra Succi
As an entrepreneur, I constantly seek to find new ways to grow and expand my way of creating. I love my art and profession and can´t wait to share it with the world.
“Why blend in when you can stand out!”
-CEO Ambra Succi
Ambra Succi is an internationally recognized and award-winning Artistic Director, Choreographer and entrepreneur whose work has had a significant impact on the performing arts and entertainment industry.
As a key figure behind the world-renowned Bounce Streetdance Company—winner of the Opera Prize and the Lifetime Achievement Award at London’s Choreographers Carnival—Ambra has created groundbreaking works that have gained global recognition. Her choreography for Loreen’s "Euphoria" is a testament to her artistic vision and ability to craft iconic expressions.
With a career spanning musicals, operas, music videos, and large-scale live events, Ambra has established herself as one of the most sought-after choreographers in the industry. Her creativity knows no bounds, and her work has taken her across the world.
As the founder of Diambra Dance Education (2007-2024) and Diambra C.A.M., she has not only created a platform for education but also built a professional environment where new talents are given the opportunity to grow and thrive. Through her expertise and extensive network, she has played a crucial role in shaping the next generation of dancers and choreographers.
Ambra has been honored with both the Chuck Award for outstanding contributions to Swedish jazz dance and the Tull Award for International Success of the Year, further solidifying her influence and achievements on the global dance scene.
About Ambra Succi
About me.
I am half Finnish, half Italian—a mix of two worlds, two contrasts. Finland’s quiet strength, Italy’s passionate intensity. Maybe that’s why I’m drawn to opposites. Classic beauty versus urban rawness, elegance meeting the unapologetically rough. Life itself is a contrast, full of highs and lows, and I believe art should reflect that.
I grew up in Helsinki, where dance took over my life at 15. I had so much inside me—emotions, stories, energy—all longing to break free. Movement became my language, my way of expressing what words couldn’t. And it still is.
The passion.
Dance became my language—the only way I truly knew how to express myself. It wasn’t just a passion; it was my purpose. I was determined to make it my life’s work. But not everyone around me believed in my choice. So, I left. I quit school, packed my bags, and set out to chase my dreams. The journey took me to New York, where I threw myself into the world of dance—driven, focused, ready to prove everyone back home wrong.
With no financial support and no safety net, I faced some of the toughest years of my life. I was tested—again and again—both as a dancer and as a person. But every struggle, every setback only fueled my determination. Instead of breaking me, it pushed me forward, making me more driven than ever to turn my dreams into reality.
Survival meant finding solutions, thinking outside the box, and staying creative—not just in my art but in life itself. I learned to adapt, to see possibilities where others saw obstacles. Those years shaped me, not only as a dancer but as a problem-solver, a creator, someone who finds a way no matter what.
A few years later, I found myself in Stockholm, where Bounce Streetdance Company was born. What started as a group of dancers soon became my second family. Together, we created, performed, and toured the world for 15 unforgettable years. We didn’t just dance—we made history. Selling out the Globe Arena five times, more than any world-famous artist, we left a mark on Swedish dance culture that still lives on.
(Bounce Streetdance Company 1998–2010)
After more than 30 years of dancing, I’ve discovered a new passion—one that has always had a special place in my heart: music. My father was a drummer, and as a child, I played classical violin and jazz flute. Now, my two greatest loves—dance and music—have finally come together. I create and produce music the same way I choreograph: daily, instinctively, and with purpose, transforming ideas, emotions, and stories into movement and sound.
As an artist and entrepreneur, I’m always exploring new ways to expand my platform for performing artists, bridging the worlds of entertainment and cultural events. Whether on stage, behind the scenes, or in the studio, my goal is to create meaningful, high-quality artistic experiences that resonate with audiences on multiple levels.
I stay ahead of industry trends, cultural shifts, and audience expectations by engaging in ongoing conversations with clients, collaborators, and creatives. By surrounding myself with talented, innovative, and forward-thinking people, I continue to push artistic boundaries—never settling, always evolving.
This new chapter in my journey is more than just an expansion of my artistry; it’s a commitment to creating immersive, powerful experiences that connect, inspire, and leave a lasting impact. I’m all in.

Press images and logos
Please visit our press section for downloadable images. All material is copyright © Diambra C.A.M.
Folkoperan A concert in memory of Claes Fellbom
– Principel Dancer
– Choreographer
ASM Events for Valoriim at Berns Salonger
– Choreographer
– Music producer
Elias Abbas Music Video “FFL”Director
– Choreographer
Hair The Musical on Tour
– Choreographer
Event for P.S. Occasion at Vinterträdgården
– Choreographer
Pippi på Cirkus the Circus Musical at Cirkus
– Choreographer & Movement Coach
Hair the Musical at Götalejon
– Choreographer
“En död komikers liv” at Gothenburg City Theatre
– Choreographer
– Casting / Agency : Diambra C.A.M.
Mr. Burns the musical play at Gothenburg City Theatre
– Choreographer & Movement Coach
2021 Idlaflickorna at Gothenburg City Theatre
– Choreographer
2021 Mr Bruns at Gothenburg City Theatre
- Choreographer
Released music
– Music producer
2020 Music Video Chicken & Waffles
– Music producer
– Director
– Choreographer
2020 Music video Sometimes
– Music producer
– Concept & Idea
– Choreographer
– Director
2020 Klaus Nomi the Pop Opera at the Royal Swedish Opera
– Choreographer
– Movement coach
2020 Music video Mac & Cheese
– Music Producer
– Idea & Concept
– Choreographer
– Director
2020 Streetstar Festival "I am Human" 2nd Place
– Music producer
– Choreographer
– Videographer
– Writer
Oriflame Sweden at Waterfront
– Entertainment Choreographer
Streetstar Festival "Affinity" 1st. Place
– Choreographer
La Traviata at the Royal Swedish Opera
– Choreographer
– Movement coach
Telia TV commercial & Social media commercial
– Choreographer
Malta Eurovision artist Michaela Pace 2019
– Choreographer
20.000 Leagues under the Sea theatre production at Västmanlands teater in Västerås 2019
– Choreographer & Composer
Opera ”Orlando” at the Royal Opera in Stockholm 2019
– Choreographer / Movement Coach
SATS training Day at Fryshuset 2019
– Instructor
Renaida in Melodifestivalen 2018
– Choreographer and Artistic Director
Political Cabare ”Vinnare tar Allt” at Malmö Stadsteater 2018
– Choreographer
The world famous clarinetist Martin Fröst ”Genesis” at Gothenburg Concert House 2018
– Choreographer
Barbie Escobar at Melodifestivalen 2018
– Choreographer
LYSSNA a whole evening dance performance, real people with real stories about violence #metoo 2018
– Producer, Music Producer, Writer and Choreographer
Festival ”Dance without Borders” in Stockholm 2018
– Producer and partly Choreographer
Opera Don Quijote at Folkoperan in Stockholm 2018
– Choreographer
The performance of Anikid at the alternative Nobel Prize gala at Berns 2018
– Dancer & Choreographer
SVDA18 at Globen in Stockholm 2018
– Choreographer
”Striving to Achieve” performed by Diambra CAM at Dansenshus Stockholm 2017
– Choreographer and Producer
Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s fashion show Atozbyzlatan in Oslo Norway 2017
– Choreographer
Eurovision Young Dancers in Prague 2017
– Judge
”Änglar” in the music video documentary of Cherrie 2017
– Choreographer
Jana Burceska from Macedonia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017
– Choreographer and Artistic Director
Faktum Galan in Gothenburg 2017
– Dancer & Choreographer
Nike Convention at Fotografiska in Stockholm 2017
– Choreographer
Entrepreneur of the year Award at the City Hall in Stockholm 2017
– Choreographer
If/Then at Malmö Opera 2017
– Choreographer
The Festival: ”Dance without Boarders” 2017
– One of the Choreographers and the Founder & Producer
Both live performances and music video for the artist Iman 2017
Songs: ”Not Down 4 whatever” & Thug Life
– Choreographer and Artist Coach
Nobel Price Banquett at Stockholm City Hall 2016
– Choreographer
Carmen the Opera at Dalhalla, Rättvik 2016
– Choreographer and dancer (Spastia )
Bulgaria Eurovision Song Contest 4th 2016
– Choreographer and Artistic Director
”Grey People” Intermission Act at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016
– Dancer
Bamse the spectacular family show at Waterfront in Stockholm 2016
– Choreographer and Coach
Nobel Price Banquett at Stockholm City Hall 2016
– Choreographer
Carmen the Opera at Dalhalla, Rättvik 2016
– Choreographer and dancer (Spastia)
Bulgaria Eurovision Song Contest 4th 2016
– Choreographer and Artistic Director
”Grey People” Intermission Act at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016
– Dancer
Bamse the spectacular family show at Waterfront in Stockholm 2016
– Choreographer and Coach
Martin Fröst ”Genesis” the Concert 2015
– Choreographer
”American Idiot” the Punk Rock Musical by Green Day, 2015 Cirkus in Stockholm
– Choreographer
Audition for ”So you think you can dance” Russia 2015
– Choreographer and teacher
Martin Fröst ”Dollhouse” the Concert 2015
– Choreographer
Striving To Achieve 2013 & 2014 & 2015 & 2016 – Dansenshus, Stockholm, Sweden
– Choreographer, Artistic Director and Producer
”American Idiot” the Punk Rock Musical by Green Day, 2014 Malmö Opera
– Choreographer
The Richboyz Show ”NINJA” – Sweden 2014
– One of the Choreographers and the Producer
Christmas Gala 2014, Sweden, Artists: Petra Marklund & Timbuktu
– One of the Choreographers
”Blanche & Marie” the Opera World Premiere, Norrlands Operan, Sweden 2014
– Choreographer and Movement Coach
LVDS Dance company, Bangalore India 2014
– Choreographer and Teacher
The Richboyz Show ”NINJA”, Israel 2014
– One of the Choreographers
Oslo Royal Dance Universitiy 2014
– One of the Choreographers and teacher
Oslo Spinn off Dance School 2014
– One of the Choreographers and Teachers
Nike Blast & NTC Tour at Globe in Stockholm 2014
– Choreographer
”Ganster” The RichBoyz Show in Palermo, Italy 2014
– One of the Choreographes
Cabaret the Musical for Malmö City Theater, 2014
– Choreographer
Eurovision Song Contest 2013 – Artist: Robin Stjernberg, Song title:”You” ( Won the Swedish title )
– Choreographer
Eurovision Song Contest 2013 – Artist: Loreen’s medley
– Choreographer and DOP
Eurovision Song Contest 2012 – Artist: Loreen, Song title: ”Euphoria” ( the winner )
– Choreographer, Artistic Director and DOP
A streetdance version of Swanlake 2012
– Dancer Roles: The black swan, one of the white swans
X-Factor Sweden 2012
– Main Choreographer
So You Think You Can Dance – Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway and Finland, Russia)
– Judge and Choreographer
MTV Music Awards, Sweden
– Dancer
Melodifestivalen 2012
Artist: Mimi Oh,
Song title: ”It’s going to be slow”
– Choreographer
Melodifestivalen 2012
Artist : Loreen, Song title: ”My Heart is Refusing Me”
– Choreographer
Fame the Visucal in Örebro by Silent Theatre 2012
– Choreographer and Movement Coach
Melodifestivalen 2011
Artist: Danny Saucedo,
Song title: ”In the Club”
– Assisting Choreographer
Melodifestivalen 2011
Artist: Dilba
Song title: ”Try Again”
– Choreographer
Sevilla World Exhibition, Spain
– Dancer
B-Supreme B-Girl Festival, London, England
– Solo Dancer
Carnival Romeo & Juliet, Los Angeles, USA
– Dancer
Hype The Hip-Hop Musical, Helsinki, Finland
– Dancer and Singer
Fiddler On The Roof, Helsinki, Finland
– Dancer and Singer
Choreographers Show Down
– Dancer, Choreographer and Producer
Skanska Golden Helmet Awards, Sweden
– Choreographer and Creative Director
Ericsson Gold Medal Gala, Sweden
– Dancer, Choreographer and Creative Director
NE Knowledge Channel, Stockholm Cityhall
– Dancer and Choreographer
JC Jeans company, TV commercial, Sweden
– Choreographer and Coach
Popstar the TV show, Sweden 2007
– Movement Coach/Artist Coach during the tv show and as a Choreographer for the winner ”Supernatural”
I was one of the members and founders of Bounce Streetdance Company- Sweden’s most famous dance group – who created and produced a variety of performances in Sweden, Europe and Asia. We were active for 14,5 years.
Productions with Bounce
-Rot 2
-Freaky Flow
-Bounce The Show
-Bounce vs. Petter
-The Score
-Bounce Live
-Insane In The Brain – A Streetdance Version Of One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
-Caution !
-The Last Bounce
Gigs and performances with Bounce
- Swedish King’s House Silver Wedding (2001)
- Jurymedlem Floor Filler, TV 3 (2006)
- Nobel Banketten, at the Cityhall (2006)
- The world’s children galan, SVT (2009)
- Michael Jackson Flashmob, Stockholm (2009)
1995-1996: Scholarship Student Tanssivintti OY, Helsinki Finland
1996-1997: Scholarship Student Broadway Dance Center, New York, USA
1997-1998: Ballet Academy Stockholm, Sweden
“I make sure to stay up to date with our industry and our society's cultural needs.”
— Ambra Succi