Jonna Hökengren
– Choreographer
Hip Hop
Company work
Touring Artists
Stage productions
Music video
Cultural events
Worldwide live stream
Dance videos
Jonnas creative process is different each time depending on what task or work conditions she has been given, she adapts. Usually she works from the influence and pictures that appear in her mind based on the music. She loves to go in to some type of story or even a completely different kind of world. Her fantasy is her strength, and there are no limits for her imagination. She is keen to make the audience feel and get drawn in. Her creative language is unique and you can see her ID in all her creations. When working with artists her main focus is to highlight them, and the dancers to be an extension of the artist. Jonna comes from a Hip-Hop and modern background amongst other styles, and with that diversity she can create something special for your occasion!